
Cluey Announces Data Partnership with Good on You

Friday, March 31st, for immediate release:

NEW ORLEANS — Today, Cluey announced it is partnering with leading fashion brand rating system, Good On You, to integrate their fashion ratings data into Cluey’s database of brands. Good on You’s data will supplement other data inputs in Cluey’s ratings methodology, adding to the number of brands Cluey currently rates, specifically in fashion.

“Much of the inspiration for Cluey came from industry trailblazers like Good on You. It’s amazing to come full circle and partner with such a pioneering company in the space,” said Cluey’s founder Maryclaire Manard. “When we started, Cluey was rating brands just in personal care, grocery, and household products, but the number one requested sector by users for more brand insights was in fashion, and in part due to this new partnership with Good on You, we’re thrilled to announce this is now the case.” Manard continued, “It is critical to our information integrity that the information we share is trustworthy, fair, and objective. By licensing Good On You’s transparent, robust, and well-respected data on fashion brands, Cluey will be able to provide its users with immense and reliable impact ratings in this segment of consumer purchasing.”

Recently, on the Cluey podcast, Manard interviewed Good on You’s cofounder Sandra Capponi who said, “We love working with innovative platforms like Cluey, we also work with Microsoft [and others], and these platforms that are using ratings and ultimately helping consumers to choose better wherever they are all over the world — are such a huge important part of the process of change.” The full episode of the Cluey Podcast where Capponi is interviewed will be released later today on all major podcast platforms.

About Good on You: Good On You is the most comprehensive and widely trusted brand rating system for fashion. Today,  millions of consumers rely on Good on You’s transparent sustainability data and robust ratings to make better shopping choices. This is accomplished through Good on You’s ratings methodology which captures the complexity of sustainability, aggregating up to 1,000 data points across 100 key issues for each brand.

About Cluey: Cluey is a brand transparency platform that rates brands on their environmental and social impacts as well as displays other impact insights with the goal to empower impact-conscious consumers with the tools to make more informed buying decisions and align their purchases with their values. Cluey’s platform is industry agnostic on the types of brands they rate and currently houses over 6,000 consumer brands from fashion to cleaning supplies to groceries to restaurants to financial services and more. In total, Cluey’s database of brands represents over 100,000 products available to American consumers. Cluey aggregates best in class data from both publicly available and premium licensed sources, like Good on You and others to provide insights on a brand’s social and environmental impacts. Additionally, Cluey also displays a brand’s political impact in the U.S. through campaign contributions as well as categorically relevant certifications and attributes about a brand to consumers (such as ownership, BCorp status, and more).

To learn more about Good On You, visit

To learn more about Cluey, visit

For further press inquiries, please email

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