
Buying From These Brands Might Be Contributing to Amazon Rainforest Destruction

By The Cluey Team

Stand.Earth compiled an extensive list of 103 consumer brands whose supply chains source from the Brazilian Cattle Industry – the largest contributor to destroying the Amazon. Below maps a few of those brands supply chains (click here to see full list mapped) and a full list of brands accountable.My image alt textMy image alt textMy image alt textMy image alt textMy image alt textMy image alt text

Odds that you own at least one thing from a brand listed – so what can we do? This is not a consumer problem to fix transparency in supply chains but we as consumers can add pressure for brands to take action and consumer power is often well understimated. Ways we can leverage our consumer power include: contacting brands, sharing this research with others, and/or changing your buying behavior until brands respond appropriately. Collectively, we can make a difference – Cluey is here to help.

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